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Answer these 4 questions to find out if you need a carpet cleaning:

baby on carpet in Bellingham WA


Do you have a baby in the house?

Yes I’ve got a precious little one.

Then you and your little one need a carpet cleaning. Your little crawler will be close to the carpet, which means they will be close the dirt and grime that could be lurking underneath it.

No babies here.

cat on sofa in Bellingham WADo you have a pet dog, cat, or any other furry friend?

Yes I’m a proud owner of a pet.

If you own a dog or cat then your carpets are full of fur, whether you realize it or not. Carpets trap allergens and bacteria, which is good for a while. They act as air filters and keep our air clean. Over time, however, they become less effective and need to be cleaned.

Nope, not a pet house.

puppy on carpet in Bellingham WAAre you potty training your puppy?

Yes and it’s going...okay.

Puppies have accidents! It’s all part of the learning process. Unfortunately, those urine messes can do quite a bit of damage. Urine seeps through carpet backing and into the floor beneath. A carpet cleaning is necessary to effectively remove urine stains both old and new. Your carpet will look and smell significantly cleaner after a carpet cleaning!

Nope, I’m a cat person.

tissues for allergies caused by dirty carpet in Bellingham WADo you find yourself getting sick? Then getting sick again? And again?

Yes-do I need more vitamin C?

Probably wouldn’t hurt! There might be something a little bit different at play here though. The carpet in your house can contribute to your health. As mentioned before, carpet acts as a giant air filter that keeps your air of good quality. What a great feature! Without upkeep, however, this ‘filter’ begins to weaken and release allergens and bacteria back into your home. Before your carpet has the chance to wear out, get it cleaned. We remove 98% of the allergens buried in your carpet so you and your family can stay healthier, longer.

No I’m actually feeling fine.

If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, it is time for a carpet cleaning. We are ready to help! A carpet cleaning with us is truly unique. It dries fast, is green certified, and is provided by honest technicians. Schedule today online or give us a call!

If you answered ‘no’ to all of these questions, you might still need a carpet cleaning. We are happy to help you find out! Give us a call and receive a free in-home inspection and a no-obligation quote. Experts recommend getting a professional carpet cleaning every 3-6 months, so it may be time for yours!